"Gabe and I set off," remembers Michael. "This too might have ended a velleity if I hadn't have discovered the semester before, at Syracuse University, programs on everyday desktop computers for digital recording and editing. Recall that, ten years ago, not only were computers and electronics more expensive but the 'home studio,' too, was still partly a concept. Digital recording equipment at the consumer level was uncommon, and it was comparatively simplistic. Yet — as one fascinated by sequencing, and music made with pulses and noises — as soon as I knew it was possible, I spent hours on my roommate's computer using a very basic application to arrange the sounds of nearby objects."

Despite enthusiasm, the two faced a few realities of the last decade. Michael came home from school that May with a certain editing program in hand. Neither he nor Gabe owned a computer at the time, however, so they asked Gabe's brother — home from college himself — for use of his. He obliged.